Les artistes passés chez good friday
Simon Allen - Ybas and Emerging British artists. Anthony Berthaud - Wm. Véronique Boissacq -Wm / Queen of nothingness / We were young and immortal . Louise Bossut - The end / Undressed codes / We were young and immortal. Thierry Boutonnier - The end . Pirjetta Brander - Love is hole / Wm. Miyoko Caubet - Storyboard / We were young and immortal. Emmanuel Chantebout - Lost in translation. Daniel François Cayo - Global Warning. Pauline Cornu - Jeux de mains, jeux de vilains / We were young and immortal. David De Beyter - Fire walk with me / In the middle of nowhere. Michel de Broin - Jeux de mains, jeux de vilains. David De Tscharner - Wm. Tracey Emin - Yba's and emerging british artists. Catherine Fradier CAAT- Love is hole. Marie Geffroy - Tree of life Marie-Agnès Guy -Into the wild -Yasmeen Hammani - We were young and immortal. Damien Hirst - Yba's and emerging british artists. Chloé Houyoux Pilar - Love is hole / Still life . Thomas Israël - The end . Kaori Ito - We were young and immortal / Le jour le plus court. Chihiro Ito - We were young and immortal. Laurent Jourquin - The end / Opium. Abel Llavall-Ubach - Storyboard . Florent Lebon - Le jour le plus court. Dirk Leroux - Sweet dreams are made of this. Alexandra Leyre Mein - Fire walk with me / we were young and immortal. The Little artists aka John Cake and Darren Neave - Jeux de mains, jeux de vilains / Yba's and emerging british artists / We were young and immortal. Karine Marenne - Love is hole. Flavia Eleonora Martin - Opium. Christine Mathieu - Love is hole. Stéphanie Morissette - The end. Lucille Peget - Global Warning / Eternal Sunshine/Into The Wild Mariève Pelletier Du coq à l'âme / Eternal Sunshine. Shani Rhys-James - Mae newid yn change. Carlos et Jason Sanchez - Natural selection. Mike Scuccimarri - Jeux de mains, jeux de vilains. Ela Tom - Sweet dreams are made of this. Chantal Vey - Storyboard / We were young and immortal. Bedwyr Williams - Mae newid yn change. Wilmes &Mascaux - Le jour le plus court / Du coq à l’ame